Lust Geass (Official)Chapter 44.1
Adult Drama Romance

Souta Takatsuki and his neighbor Rikka Amanome have been like brother and sister since they were kids, but his feelings for her run much deeper. With her birthday coming up, he wants to find the perfect gift, which presents itself in the form of a book from a mysterious shop he happens across. The owner doesn't even charge him, saying he'll return to pay eventually...Souta is wholly unprepared for the insatiable passion the book inspires in Rikka, and it seems the ultimate price of this gift may be hefty indeed...

Neon Genesis: Evangelion - The Shinji Ikari Raising ProjectChapter 111
Comedy Ecchi Romance Shounen

Stunning, hotheaded Asuka Langley Soryu has been friends with Shinji Ikari since they were little. And she always sort of assumed they’d stay together—until the day the beautiful, brilliant Rei Ayanami showed up in class! When Shinji starts to get curious about Rei, Asuka needs to figure out if she wants to be just friends with Shinji, or something more. But why are so many people keeping an eye on these relationships—people like homeroom teacher Misato, school nurse Ritsuko, and Shinji’s mother—NERV’s chief scientist, Yui Ikari . . .